




RASD uses local resources with in the community to develop sustainable approaches to community development .We strive to help Uganda rural communities live healthy and sustainable lives through supporting community programs for Clean Water, Better Sanitation , Sustainable agriculture,  Income generation and education support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children.s


We are working towards achieving food and nutrition security and changing course in Uganda Agriculture for Small holder farmers from subsistence to farming as a family business. In this regard,we support community programs to shift from subsistance to commercial agriculture responsive to changing market opportunities, shift from low to high yielding technologies, and to high value enterprises as well as sustainable utilization of soil and other natural resources.


RASD works with local governments to promotes intergrated environmental concerns in all development policies and planning activities with full participation of the people.

We raise public awareness to conserve, preserve and restore ecosystems and maintain ecological processes and life support systems and biodiversity, and we ensure individula and community participation in environment improvement activities.


RASD ensures community healthy by installing clean water sources and latrines in villages for public use.  We also provide hygiene and menstrual health management training to teachers in schools called Senior Women who train the girl child menstrual management in both primary and secondary schools. We also work on community water projects through building protected prings, borehole repairing, house hold rain water harvesting, and water purification.


We support schools and Vulnerable Children to get education so they can be self reliant in future and be productive to the nation. To make a lasting difference, we work to increase access to education for children in Uganda, particularly for girls who face the greatest obstacles to completing school. With more Ugandan  children in schools, more people will find their path out of poverty.

RASD's projects encompass general health improvement, assistance for orphans, water quality and availability, sanitation, education and sustainable  agricultural.  RASD has received broad support from the community in the form of private donations, and volunteer efforts from the United States of America and our partners; Travel for Change and Suubi Foundation in the Netherlands.

How we make a difference.

Education; RASD is working with Travel for Change and Suubi Reach out Foundation from The Netherlands to improve class room enviroment for learners in primary school.   We work with volunteers every summer to paint schools and  build class rooms.

Food Security - We are working towards achieving food and nutrition security and changing course in Uganda Agriculture for Small holder farmers from subsistence to farming as a family business. In this regard, we support community programs to end hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition, and to promote sustainable agriculture.

Income Generation - We provide numeracy, business skills and access to microloan schemes to women to enable them to start small businesses and become economically independent. 

Advocacy - We work with communities to advocate the importance of education, especially for girls who face most barriers. Adult literacy classes are critical to this as they foster understanding from parents, and we fight against Gender based violence.

Water & Sanitation - We keep children healthy by installing clean water sources and latrines in primary and secondary schools. We also provide hygiene and menstrual health management training to teachers in schools called Senior Women who train the girl child menstrual management in both primary and secondary schools. We also work on community water projects through building protected prings, borehole repairing, house hold rain water harvesting, and water purification.

You can explore all of our life changing projects by clicking on the News letter on the left so you can receive our Monthly updates and News about our programs. We hope it inspires you to join us in our fight against poverty.